2010~2013 香港城市大学 博士
2013~2017 杏鑫娱乐理杏鑫 师资博士后&讲师
2017至今 杏鑫娱乐理杏鑫 副教授
1. 低维纳米材料的结构设计及性能调控
2. 新型二维材料在催化及能源应用方面的理论研究
1. Yongjing Zhang, Zhe Chen, Lei Yao, Xiao Wang,* QiuMing Fu, ZhiDong Lin, ShengGao Wang, Study of ion permeation through the graphene oxide/polyether sulfone membranes, ChemElectroChem, 2020, 7, 493.
2. Xiao Wang, Huazhong Liu, Marko Huttula, Youhua Luo, Meng Zhang, Wei Cao, First‐principles studies of lithium adsorption and diffusion on silicene with grain boundaries, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 2019, 119, e25913.
3. Xinying Shi, Sergei Posysaev, Marko Huttula, Vladimir Pankratov, Joanna Hoszowska, Jean-Claude Dousse, Faisal Zeeshan, Yuran Niu, Alexei Zakharov, Taohai Li, Olga Miroshnichenko, Meng Zhang, Xiao Wang, Zhongjia Huang, Sami Saukko, Diego López González, Sebastiaan van Dijken, Matti Alatalo, Wei Cao, Metallic contact between MoS2 and Ni via Au nanoglue, Small, 2018, 14, 1704526.
4. Xiao Wang, Youhua Luo, Ting Yan, Wei Cao, Meng Zhang, Strain enhanced lithium adsorption and diffusion on silicene, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2017,19, 6563.
5. Xiao Wang, Adebayo A. Adeleke, Wei Cao, Youhua Luo, Meng Zhang, and Yansun Yao, Structures of nanoalloy clusters AunAln (n=1-10) and the growth patterns to the bulk phase, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2016, 120, 25588.
6. Xiao Wang,* Huazhong Liu and Shan-Tung Tu, Study of formaldehyde adsorption on silicene with point defects by DFT method, RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 65255.
7. Xiao Wang,* Huangzhong Liu and Shan-Tung Tu, First-principles study of half-fluorinated silicene sheets, RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 6238.
8. Hongmei Wang,* Zhufeng Lu, Dingze Lu, Chunhe Li, Pengfei Fang, Xiao Wang,* The synthesis of Cu/plate-like ZnO nanostructures and their self-assembly mechanism, Solid State Science, 2016, 55, 69.
9. Xiao Wang, KM Liew, Density functional study of interaction of lithium with pristine and stone-wales-defective single-walled silicon carbide nanotubes, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2012, 116, 26888.
10. Xiao Wang, KM Liew,Density functional study of fluorinated single-walled silicon carbide nanotubes,Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2012, 116, 1702.
11. Xiao Wang, KM Liew,Silicon carbide nanotubes serving as a highly sensitive gas chemical sensor for formaldehyde, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2011, 115, 10388.
12. Xiao Wang, KM Liew,Hydrogen storage in silicon carbide nanotubes by lithium doping, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2011, 115, 3491.